Saturday, 12 November 2011



Well, I'm Ash! A young man going to show you one of the most interesting places in the world! GLASGOW! Glasgow is a nice city in United Kingdom, which belongs to Scotland. I'm showing you this place, because it's my ~new~ home! I like Glasgow, I mean it's okay. Not bad at all. Just cold *brr* anyways, Coming from England, U.S.A, and going to other different countries. It's not like I can't adapt.

This blog was made, instead of a website due to the fact I'm going to be showing you a lot, and I mean a lot of stuff. You might know me from YouTube as "TheAshkala72" or from "A Pyromantic's Life". I'm a blogger. I also got a Facebook so check me out here!

Glasgow is quite big as you can see, but to be honest. It might look big from the map above, when I think 1 day will take you round the whole place! Which obviously isn't going to happen.

So remember, stay tuned to me! And Glasgow to!

See ya!


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